Mr Pouty Pants

I was hoping she’d deliver it with a bang, not a whimper, but then this whole topic is about disappointment.

As a person who votes against their own self-interest routinely, this article makes me irrationally angry. The liberal media (any news outlet who uses cogent reasoning to disprove a white American’s misplaced anger) was never this harsh to Obama. You are still upset about Hillary’s loss. Excuse me while I finish

It’s certainly prettier than this...

The problem is that so many people just try and recline their seat without looking behind them. I’m 6ft 5in and my knees are typically against the seat in front of me when I fly. No matter how hard the person in front of me tries to recline, they are never going to be able to. People need to understand that some

Settle down Sterling ;)

Talking about GTA on the Xbox the internal hard drive meant it had the best feature of all for San Andreas. Custom music on console.

And this just confirms everything us Bears fans suspected, he did not work his ass off for the team.

Because even after he transitioned from young, potentially promising franchise quarterback to journeyman avatar of failure, there were still two contract extensions that were made because Jay just needed (excuse du season) removed from the equation and the Bears were a contender.

Meanwhile, one playoff season in eight

Pictured: top secret Evo XI prototype


I love the idea that if we tax billionaires we will lose their largesse. We would cut off the pearls that dribble from their lips down upon us mere mortals. Wither the art museums? Wither the ice rinks?

It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.

Your first paragraph is pretty much straight trash. Unemployment statistics are measured in a variety of ways, consistently, and they correlate with each other; when unemployment level drops not counting people not seeking work in the last 6 months, it drops when you do count people not seeking work. The US Labor