Mr Pouty Pants

It’s not like Lando is doing that much better either. I think the McLarens are just bad cars this year. Maybe the off the track relationship is bad to but I don’t think dropping Verstappen into one of the Macs suddenly puts them on the podium either.

I agree. I can’t for the life of me figure out why we don’t already have fleets of $30k RAV4s and CRVs taking over the streets.  

They know they’re slow

Yeah, that’s not good for Ricardo.  And I’m sure McLaren would know if one car was under performing regardless of who was driving. 

This is one of my biggest issues I discuss with my therapist. I love my kids more than anything but I am just not happy. You’re not alone, and while I am early into therapy I think it will help.

I don’t pretend to be anything more than a casual F1 fan but the McLarens just look slow this year. I’m sure Riccardo has his share of blame for the team’s poor performance but to my untrained eye they look like they are driving slower cars. Even with DRS where a Red Bull, Mercedes or Ferrari fly past each other the Mc

That’s what I don’t understand, are there really gong to be people picking between these two cars? I would think people would be comparing the Dodge to Honda, Ford or Chevy . While the Alpha would be compared to Audi and BMW. Maybe I’m giving Alpha Romeo too much credit in the luxury import market.

I like that, it’s a better version of the Copperhead concept.

How much of the hate for the VQ series comes from the d-bags who think a cheap-ass mod is going to get them into Dom’s Fast and Furious family? I always thought the factory exhaust sounded great when driven normally and not when people are pretending to be in a street race.

They should hire her to be the voice on the navigation system.

I bet Lightning had horrible time finding her Kachow! button.

The Mach E was a brilliant move, but not because it has Mustang badges.

True, but Prosche didn’t make the 911 SUV and the Urus wasn’t one of Lamborghini’s models before it was an SUV. I fully admit getting worked up about CUVs and sedans being called Mustangs and Corvettes is silly but it’s not nothing. Perhaps more than anything I’m bothered by how lazy it seems. It feels like Ford and

BuT bRAnDON mAdE gaS tOo ExpEnsiVe!

Be sure you are even allowed to do these inspections. I have heard of builders insisting on “closed sites” for “safety reasons”. While its true even single family home construction sites can be dangerous this is also a good way for the contractor to make sure you, an architect, engineer or inspector isn’t catching

the bluetooth in my 2018 CX5 can’t jut talk to my phone like a bluetooth ear bud. I have to specifically enter contacts to car’s computer or specifically say the 10 digits I want it to dial.  Also no voice commands for music.

At the risk of getting kicked off jalopnik I have to ask, wouldn’t they have better luck selling these with half the horsepower and better range? Maybe drop the SS moniker and just make an affordable ESUV.

People in Illinois tend to have one of two extreme reactions to snow. They either react like it is either the first time it has ever snowed and they have no idea what they are doing or they are the best driver in the world and the snow only makes them more aggressive.