Mr Pouty Pants

The statement was less about their integrity and more about shitting on everyone else. That’s the key difference.

There isn’t always another job for them to take. The anchors at a central Illinois station can’t just jump to a Chicago station because they are unhappy. This is a highly competitive field and there are not a lot of openings. And even if they could make a lateral move out of a Sinclair station to a similar market

This all boils down to the fact there is less money to be made by the big oil companies if cars are more efficient. And we all know how the GOP feel about big oil and this global warming “hoax”

Ok, i’m too stupid to know how to edit my post so here is what it should have said:

I’m 100% not make in any crazy accusations but it sounded like a more like a metal bat than a wood bat. More a a ping sound than a crack to me. Must be opening day for the audio crew too.

My only problem with Sandlot is, to this day, I cannot watch them barfing at the fair. Totally freaked me out a kid. It’s a great anti tabacco lesson but I still feel like I’m gonna barf too.


Just don’t make her drink Coors.

Browns Exec: Here you go Mr. Goodell, our first pick.

Have you ever seen an STI before? I always thought that’s kind of their thing.

There are a lot of movie people think are good but if “you” don’t see them at the right time they do not hold up. I was the perfect age for the American Pie movies, I was the horny high school / college student too. But to the teens/20 somethings today its just a stupid old sex comedy. Kind of like how guys in their

They’re trying to damn hard with those running lights. reminds me of a Prius.

I appreciate good engineering but why would a company with the range of vehicles GM has make an engine exclusively for one model or even one brand? Why not use the existing LT1 or LT4 from the Corvette? If the twin turbo hot-vee is going to be that good of an engine why only use it in Cadillacs?  


Will it fit in a Miata?

I’m 6'-4" and theoretically paid the same price you did, why am I not entitled to the same level of comfort you are? My knees are already pressed into the person’s seat in front of me before they attempt to recline. Exit rows are very difficult to get and usually more expensive.

Semi serious question, could you do this with any sports ball an not dent the hood of a car? Maybe a soccer ball or basketball wouldn’t but I imagine a baseball or golf ball sure would.

FAKE NEWS! Trump thought of the Space Force all on his own! He is a certified genius after all.

This just sounds like poor planning from the beginning. Between Toyota and Subaru they already had all the parts and components necessary to have base NA engine and a turbo option. How hard would it have been to accommodate the existing engine options from the 2010 Impreza when they were designing the FRS and BRZ?

Those rear facing seats kill a lot of car options if you’re over 5'-8"