V till I D.I.E

The moral here is that Trump lost because he didn’t advertise in the 2008 Xbox 360 racing game Burnout Paradise.

To the tune of Love Dramatic. And a one-two-three...

I love fried chicken (FRIED CHICKEN)

A lot of gamer types have never had fun even once in their life AND never had sex even once in their life, this post is gonna kill someone.

Check out the goodwill auction site - it’s a treasure trove of used consoles and games

Now, a group of House Democrats have introduced a $547 plan to revamp surface transportation infrastructure...

I am not an old but I am a non-parent of parent age. I played in culverts and empty lots and climbing trees and construction sites until dark and I spent weekends playing video games all day. I remember the olds saying ‘video games will rot your brains’ and I don’t know a single person in my peer group for whom that’s

NIMBY for life!

I don’t disagree with the greater point but just to remind you what I was responding to:

So basically “jingoism is OK and every country should accept their own version of it”? Weird take.

I have a Modest Proposal here... Which if you know your literary history should flag this up as taking a deliberately outrageous position in order to illustrate the morally outrageous opposite position that is actually accepted as the norm.

Negative. The laws have to be written to deal with unreasonable actors, otherwise what’s the point? Nothing should remain in copyright after 25 years. Period. 

90 years or whatever isn’t reasonable. No human being can take advantage of terms like that.

I wonder if this will change anything about the vibe of EVO going forward. I’m curious of Sony is going to try to buckle down on the types of goofy shit people get up to while attending and aim for a more mainstream thing, or if that kind of stuff will stay relatively intact. Basically, I need to know if people are

I felt sad and guilty for carrying on at my job as though everything was normal, then I felt guilty for feeling guilty because I had the enviable position of being gainfully employed.”

This is a problem. You should not feel guilty. You have a life to live and you have to support yourself. I get sympathy for those who

MeLt sNOWFlAKe! If YOU can’t take ViDeogAmE lObbIES RoaStINg yOU I woulD haTe TO SeE theSe kIds in HAlO or mw2 LoBBies BAck IN THe DAY.

Bit of selection bias here. Just because you and I are into games, keep up with gaming news, comment on Kotaku, doesn’t mean everyone in your generation or mine (coming up on 30) does.

That’s fair. I’m just being a bit of a shit about it. 

in the words of the wisdom-filled sage, Kenichiro Takaki

Like there was any doubt.