The Mad Profit Of The Airwaves

“Depends on where I go” should be the standard answer. For reasons undefined, BK is off my stop list, as my then go-to was Whopper, fries and Coke and something in the Whopper started hitting my “feels like a heart attack” button. (Now that I’ve had one I can say truthfully, yes that is what if feels like.)

Now a word of warning about the criteria of esthetic judgment. A sense of life is the source of art, but it is not the sole qualification of an artist or of an esthetician, and it is not a criterion of esthetic judgment. Emotions are not tools of cognition. Esthetics is a branch of philosophy—and just as

This seems to be an actual thing: Don’t mess with Texas! We can screw everything up all by ourselves!

If “cake eater” isn’t a meme, I want the names of the people responsible.

I don’t care what it is about, or what genre. So far, Aster and Peele have become the two directors that I have on my short list of “New movie? I’m in.”

Counterpoint, but via annoying/boring anecdote:

Waiting with baited breath! Until then, I will drag out my copy of Chisholm ‘72: Unbought & Unbossed (which I also see is on Amazon Prime).

I’ve entertained myself with the original “elevator pitch” for the initial film:

I sense a great relief in the Force...

Not everyone understands. I do.

I posted this elsewhere, but it bears repeating.

Dear Mr. Timberlake,

It’s internet Snark 101. I thought it was required to post anything online?

Now playing

I believe in your (eventual) victory. For those I ally with.

I didn’t see anything to suggest that they are default adding that nasty expectorant that is some kind of alleged sauce.

Praise Ms. Shelley.

I miss Jackie’s in Springfield MI. On the rare occasion my in-laws would order one, you didn’t have to be in the room to know it made it home.

Everyone has their point of disgust. Hustler was mine. “Chester The Molester” being presented at all was one of many times I found myself putting the rag back.

At this point, why not?

Thus did a huge portion of my childhood die.