BC for the win!
BC for the win!
Ah... what is in the cookies? Cannabis being legal and all.
Indiana: ham and cheese sliders?
I often confuse your #1 and #6. Then again, where I was a child, we didn’t have
“Detroit style pizza.” We just called it ... pizza.
This. In a nutshell, it is all about the cheese. I could be wrong, having never actually seen/tasted this... thing... (is a hot dog a sandwich? WTF is this thing?) but to my eyes it appears to have at its core the allegedly cheese flavored food like substance that is sold in individually wrapped plastic and that is…
Welcome to the world of the elderly...
“There is no me, I do not exist. I had it surgically removed.” — Peter Sellers.
Trust me, I understand, the chemistry is lost on me completely.
Yep. Sorry for your loss.
Smooth, high octane, aroma to make your mouth water, non-straight drinkers are shocked at how easy it goes down...
For the record: Jeff Buckley did Hallelujah, Marvin did Grapevine, Cash did Hurt and Amazing Grace is done with bagpipes.
If Texas actually succeeds in leaving the U.S., anyone that wants to stop them needs to look at Ted Cruz.
“That guy’s gotta stop. He’ll see us.”
No, well-done is well-done over-cooked.
Chef’s choice.
Call me when the greedy swine will allow me to revisit WKRP In Cincinnati with their original musical content intact.
As did Alan Parsons and (dare I mention? I dare, I dare...) Norman Whitfield.