The Mad Profit Of The Airwaves
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The Lyre Of Orpheus and Abattoir Blues (IMHO). Odd in that they were two separate albums that were released together, there is something you might know if you are a Harry Potter fan...

Y’all say Halloween like it’s a holiday.

Underscore and bold the Comfort Food. For some of us (and in our house) it is the simple Bat Loaf (Meat Out Of Hell) -- because we all love the album, of course, as well as the dish.

In this area, we have Restaurant Row. Chains will open a new store on this particular piece of road, and for about two months, the new place is impossible to even drive past. We don’t bother. Give it a couple of months, let the madness drop off, and when it appears to be a 15-30 minute wait, then we go.

Culver’s is consistently good, but is sadly not available for purchase outside of their restaurants.

Actually ...

That is because I am an idiot. For you I offer a veritable deluge of apologies as well as the image of my head bent in shame.

A number of wee golden statues were either given to, or nominations for same give to, a lot of the non-A listers in the film, too. So there was that.

I found that III would have been better served had it been an opera. That is all that I was trying to say.

As I was speaking about The Godfather III which was released in 1990 and wrote specifically that III should have been an opera, and Freddie was still alive at the time...

I love this movie. The book, not so much, but the movie is a feast for the eyes and the soul. For me the “operatic scope” is why the final segment of the trilogy failed so hard (and I love it as the wounded beast it is) as really, let’s face it, it is an opera without music. Dammit, Francis, Freddie Mercury was still

Honeycrisp: my personal definition of the Perfect Apple. Appearance, texture, scent and flavor.

Great Lakes area, which somehow gets confused with the “Midwest.”

100% with all of the above.

Having eaten at the local branch many times, and as an omnivore, all I can say is, to my taste-buds, why would anyone want anything other than the sofrita? Nothing against the others, but it is really tasty.

The League Of Disgruntled Gentle Persons Wants You!

Ah, the Golden Trough, the prime place for the humongous among us. Just walking into the place I feel my arteries hardening.

A local chain has this particular aisle. It is one of the few places in the area that has a Kosher section. It also has a section for British, and my favorite, “southern,” which is literally only missing a stand up photo of Jeff Foxworthy and a trailer park. Seriously, redneck stuff, in the “ethnic” aisle.

Most everybody I know: “AHS is garbage, why do you watch it?”