The letters in Chevrolet need to be red. With LED’s.
The letters in Chevrolet need to be red. With LED’s.
I have never understood the disrespect pie gets when mentioned as a breakfast food. After all, some crust with lots of fruit... or
Those disclaimers at the end are brilliant!
Fuck that.
Short term was 66% of her pay, which makes things a little squeaky at the end of the month. Long term was 50% and that is when things got rough.
Open letter to Mr. Spike Lee:
If there is any other, truly heart-rending description of just how wrong the world is, it is that you felt it necessary to explain who they were.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
I have saved this gif for just this very reason:
How To Win Friends And Influence People
How To Win Friends And Influence People
Step out of your truck. Stand next to it. You look great just by comparison alone!
What can Bathesda do to stop its downward spiral?
“Detroit Coney Classic”
“Detroit Coney Classic”
Glen Cambell’s career will possibly bring a series of headspins. Just a friendly warning (as it were). Like a lot of artists that fall into the C&W genre, he tends to be ignored, or worse, damned with faint praise like “he was a good songwriter/vocalist/guitarist,” when in his case he was a brilliant songwriter,…
I would respond to this, but there is a 5th Amendment that says I don’t have to.
I would respond to this, but there is a 5th Amendment that says I don’t have to.
Lawyer: Neil, for the love of God, STFU!