The Mad Profit Of The Airwaves

Zach: Did you.... did you just fart?

There is, of course, always the possibility that the AI will come to see that cats are, by and large, much more pleasant than people. (Or dogs.) Rather than wipe us out, I can see a day in which the bank account suddenly takes a sharp upward turn when the cat tells the AI that we fed them treats (or treated them with

A Challenge: those of us that would like to give Ms. Rose a run for her money... let's have some cheeseball network (i.s., any) put us all in a room. I vote the first "vote off" be staged as an execution.

Let the haters eat cake. And choke on it. Which really rather defeats the purpose of the original statement. Oh, shit: I am commenting on my own comment within the field of the comment and now metamegasharkcommentornadoing..... .ow. .ow. .ow. My brain hurt

A few day ago, a coworker showed me the opening segment from the first episode of Orange Is The New Black, and then went on at length about real life sexcapades (is that a word?), mostly about threesomes, MMF and FFM.

Greater love hath no man than the man that snorts, injects or swallows anything that comes from the Velvet Goldmine (thanks to D. Bowie for that phrase, my favorite).

So, he writes editorials, then? It all starts to sound a little Maury Pauvich early 80's edition. Visuals are interpreted and presented as facts.

Awk... ward.... When Iggy and Tom can't even look at us... that is embarassing.

You're welcome.

In the USA, but only in Washington and Colorado. By then, we could have bullet trains to run back and forth.

That's it: I am making myself a corporation. Then I can do whatever I want and it will be legal. Pollute. Murder and maim children.

My eyes are up here. Not that anyone cares.

If I ever end up single again (33+ years married), I will become a Catholic Priest. Beat up on guys that hurt kids. Smack around the bozos that do this... "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. I texted a woman and was inappropriate..." *SMACK* Now drop and give me 50 Hail Mary's.!


The next cover for (fill in the blank death metal group).

Wisconsin? Nah... however, the Great Inland Freshwater Sea area...

Bloomington, IN? Didn't make the list... Ah, well.

"This computer IS an error." Hi, kid, let me introduce you to a neat little thing called IOF. It won't make you LOL or ROTF, but it does help you understand why Grampa doesn't always get along with the Damned Machines (except Siri, 'cuz she's my girl).

One negative (and this goes to the entire video industry as a whole): New system, old games don't work.

After then President Carter had the speed limit reduced to 55 mph, and added that if it was NOT enforced then states would lose funding, the then governor of Michigan put the word out: the Michigan State Police were going to be on the road, in force. Fine, said I: 1975 Chevy Nova (6 cylinder), 55 was fine. Off then I