
It’s weird, I get that too when reading articles here.....and the Washington Post.....and the Huffington Post.

Sources? Vox doesn’t count.


I cannot wait any longer for government controlled internet, sign it already!

But you have to remember you’re a victim, you’re always a victim.

Sounds like  you work with a lot of controlling people.

Do you have anything to back your statement up?

I always preferred “outside”.

Exactly. Plus how much waste this is going cause. 

DC was civilized society making a very real gesture”

lol, What?

She definitely already had one foot out the door when she said she wanted to separate. 


Who cares.

Someone needs to tell that bird to calm down with the wolf whistles.

I can’t wait until we have government controlled internet, hopefully by Christmas.

“it’s safe to say that Trump is way too friendly with authoritarian governments.”

Didn’t you write an article on 4/25/17 saying he was beating the drums of war with North Korea, and dropping bombs on Syria? Those are two authoritarian governments he wasn’t friendly with so how is it safe to say the he is friendly with

Vaping helped me quit smoking but it was with one of those e-cigs that barely work. It worked just enough to help me quit and didn’t work just well enough for me to not want to keep vaping.  I’m not sure if I would of kept vaping if I bought one of those electric bag pipe boxes.

Hence my first statement that nothing anyone says should be taken seriously if they preface it with insults.

There is no way possible you could of known if that commenter was fake a big mouth or a patriot just from their comment. Your insults were a straight tell of your prejudices and insecurities and your stories

It scares me to think where the United States would be if Christians had their way.  

Now they just need 5 people in the back(competing drivers) who’s goal is to shift their weight in turns to tip the van over.