
Are we going to repost the 2009 Jezebel article about Whoopi Goldberg saying something along the same lines?

You haven’t lived until you start trying flavored chip/dip combos. I enjoy Doritos spicy sweet chili chips with a black bean dip.

I don’t care how good it is, my cut out skeleton would NEVER look that good.

I see what you did right there.


You’re not an american?

Yup nothing. That’s why the Democrats and the FBI clearly didn’t want it declassified...because of nothing! Nothing about a dossier, nothing.

The republicans are putting party over country??

Glad to see you are enjoying democratically ran California.

So the bike slowed down traffic and the PEOPLE were able to use their voice to get traffic going again.

So this proved nothing, is misleading, full of mis-information and full of virtue signaling. Typical millenialsplaining.

What’s with Lifehacker having article titles everyday starting with “Don’t...”
Seems like it’s becoming more like Lifeboss or Lifeparent.


I think everyone is jumping to way too many conclusions before this has fully developed let alone be released.

but judging by face value always is.

Tom McKay is Matt Novak 2.0. I wonder who gets the torch next.

I agree, this really does seem fair.

Seems fair.

Government controlled vs Market Controlled.

The thirst is real with Tom.

You can have the film digitized to be able to edit it on your computer. Also the fact that it has an HDMI output for a monitor makes me think you should be able to digitize the film yourself as well.