
Who would he request help from?

Good thing their Mayor is doing nothing.

I know this article is speculative but kudos to Gizmodo and Tom McKay for these cutting edge articles about technology.

The bullying and jealousy everywhere, interesting.

PUBG could have something to do with it as well.

+1 Motocross Maniacs

Kind of like Matt Novak but different.

Great reporting Matt, keep up the good work!

Seems like everyone fantasizes about racism a lot here.

ooh burn! is SNL hiring?


I should be scared.....of my web browser? How about just change web browsers and not worry at all?

Can we get 100 lifehacks to do on Sunday besides watch the Emmy’s?

name calling, nice.

More than male characters?!

If they played the “good immigrant game” I don’t think they would be in the position they are.

You’re relating a white nurse standing up for an unconscious persons rights(aka her job) to a black motorist not stepping out of their vehicle?

So much lulz when people take everyday problems that everyone has and blame it on an entire race.


Where’d the commentor say they were white?