
You got all that from a comment?


Who let that one slip by?

The virtue signaling is strong in this article. And all over a hand sketch he did for charity.

This happens all the time. Directors/animators watch movies just to find good shots and duplicate them. This is especially prevalent in music videos.

I guess if that fits your narrative.

So their age and skin color is an issue with you.

Or the Military heads who requested it.

Purely a political and recommended by a white house “stooge”. Right.

It was recommended by heads of the military who have always wanted it because it’s unfair to other troops who have to pick up on transgenders down time when they’re unable to deploy them.

It’s not just the medical costs but the downtime where they are unable to deploy them that puts an unnecessary burden on other troops.

When did they stop teaching that rainbows were circles in school?

So the guy wasn’t a trump supporter during the election, there’s nothing wrong with that.

First Bill Nye, now Stephen Colbert.

Sounds like we need some more laws.

Is Oregon giving IQ tests to everyone who gets pregnant now? If so this should get interesting.


“oh, she’s doing this out of pure hate at this point(and trying to sound like she’s the victim...somehow)“

Is Jezebel hiring?

Let them get all the help they can get.

No it doesn’t, these a$$ holes are a$$ holes to everyone.