Both my Bimmer and Benz already have this technology — every trim panel vibrates when I turn up the stereo!
“shake you like a blender once you cross the Louisiana-Texas boarder”
Traffic was no different than any other day.
What is this device you speak of?
What is this device you speak of?
The kidney grills are way too big and out of control. Totally looks like a snout.
I got mine 6 months ago when it was a 100,000 UR points bonus. Totally worth it!
I got mine 6 months ago when it was a 100,000 UR points bonus. Totally worth it!
There’s no such required inspection at ALL here in California!
One Christmas around 1977 or so, my Dad came home really pissed off that he couldn’t find a decent Christmas tree. He was so pissed, that when he got out of the car, he slammed the door on the Pinto so hard, I saw the driver’s side window shatter into a million pieces.
Yeah, saw a new white one get hit a couple of months ago. On a very busy residential street here in San Diego, no less.
LOL, I used to think “C”heap, “E”xpensive”, and “S”uper-expensive!
I have one of these and just used it last month.
I have one of these and just used it last month.
Yep. That’s what I do. No lasers needed.
Yep. That’s what I do. No lasers needed.