
I cook chicken like this. It is also good with plain greek yogurt or any thicker yogurt (I use homemade). My typical go-to is adding some chopped garlic and rosemary into the yogurt for some extra flavor.

“No hope. Don’t procreate,” for my wife and I.

Empty it might be a problem but the contents act as a heat sink

Perhaps depending on the jars’ material/thickness? I haven’t had issues and I’ve boiled jars before. I don’t plunge them directly into ice water after; I run warm, then cool, then cold water over them until they’re cool enough to touch.

When I was a kid, my mother used to tell me the family motto. It went like this: “Life is short, Life is shit, and soon it will be over.”

A lot of what I’ve heard from UCANR professors and resources is this: Banning glyphosate would disproportionately harm agriculture workers, who are already ill treated. A good herbicide is always going to be necessary, and the alternatives are hundreds or thousands of times more toxic. Until we have evidence that

I wonder if the jury went beyond, “Monsanto! Boo!” during their deliberations. Evidence doesn’t matter when you can punish an evil corporation.

A hunter is a hunter even in a dream.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” -Voltaire

This isn’t a bad idea. But a more sensible straightforward way of reasoning it through:

Plus since there is a significant overlap of climate change deniers and gun nuts they can deny themselves above the sea-level.

I suggest florida.. easier to boarder off.. (its a peninsula.. so cheaper to fence off).. I mean you have a ton of crazy people already there.. just ship the rest.

Of course, in Europe, they have it even worse. Not onLT do they not have many shootings, but those who are injured have to suffer the ignominy of having a healthcare system in place to take care of you. 

You can’t be allergic to “glutamate”. You would be fucking dead. How the hell does your brain function? Are you in a constant state of allergic reaction?
What the actual fuck? Saying you have a glutamate allergy is like saying “I am allergic to sodium chloride(salt)“. You cannot be allergic to it, or you would have

Not trying to be overly PC/SJW, how much of this was simply xenophobia at the time?