“Kohlrabi is a weird-looking root vegetable” ... “cultivar bred to maximize certain characteristics—in this case, a round, chubby stem”
“Kohlrabi is a weird-looking root vegetable” ... “cultivar bred to maximize certain characteristics—in this case, a round, chubby stem”
My thought as well.
Truth be told (a month later), I used to think cilantro was soapy too, until I started growing my own.
Kind of shocked coriander wasn’t even mentioned. Especially as fresh ground coriander is so good (nutty with lots of citrus, especially when you grow your own cilantro and save the seeds), while store bought ground coriander is basically sawdust.
This is neither funny, informative, nor original. Pretty much just shows you to be a trite, stupid and emotionally handicapped.
Talk about what you do. Simple.
You sir, are weezing mah juice!
Also, trap placement can help you catch rodents as much or more than bait. Placing them along walls, fences, near corners, or inside cut pieces of rain gutter downspout (to crate an artificial breezeway, one trap pointing each direction) helps a lot.
This whole story, in parts both true and false, is based entirely on a crumpet.
Thank you.
Logan hacked the DNC. He’s really good at the cyber.
Also, a little in wet hair is great to tame it a bit or if you want something light to help it stay put.
Just microwave the sponge. Get it wet, work some soap in there, and put it on for 30 seconds. Rinse. Done.
I agree 100% as someone who works outdoors all day everyday.
And so, americans continue their long tradition of radicalizing people who don’t look ‘just right’, and then wondering why they hate us later.
This kid sounds smart as hell. Hopefully he gets out of Texas asap, and moves to California, or something.
Kid, if you’re reading this, we aren’t all shit-eating morons. I’m…
Seems pretty clearly incomplete. Where’s the recipe for jungle juice and mention of the big gatorade style cooler jug?
Would you like some scratching butt, Mr. Kitten?
Wait, wait, wait.... Are you insinuating that even after optimization, adding a whole bunch of features makes the same processor work harder? Madness! -_-