
In 1995 we rented an old F-250 box truck from U-Haul - I think it was meant to have been retired, but they had ran out of trucks and offered this old machine to my dad. Three on the tree and synchros entirely shot, you were forced to double clutch. It was pretty cool.

Thanks, I eventually realized... it’s a lovely thing

Huh. Then why the H are they in SF? HQs are all there or something?

I just don’t understand why people automatically think more horsepower necessarily equals more fun. Admittedly, I have never driven anything with more than 350hp, but the most fun car I have ever driven is a 64hp Suzuki Cappuccino and the most fun car I ever owned was the 70hp Chevrolet Turbo Sprint.

Yes, at half the price this would be a most interesting gamble.

Pyramid scheme, pretends to be currency. Slightly less scammy than NFTs.

I would say don’t ride on the snowiest, wintriest days, but the highway stretch is hard to negotiate. In Western NY, highway users may see you as prey as well.

The bogus stats on EV cost per mile from the other day might look less problematic if they had been honest with the electricity/gasoline costs and added in the insurance. Now I don’t trust anything, though - is a Bolt or a Leaf 30% more expensive to insure than Versa or a Cruze (or whatever equivalent)?

Well, yes, but all that obfuscation and confusion means last month’s buyers aren’t typically having their noses rubbed in it. 

Depending on conditions (ice storms, bro-dozers) this sounds like a decent opportunity for a bicycle purchase. At least as a second option, leaving the bus as a third. 

Where are those savings accounts? My wife’s account pays 0.1 percent. Anything higher is Credit Unions only, and as far as I can tell we aren’t eligible for any of them.

My assumption is that SF wants to seem as high-tech as possible.

A friend of my mother-in-law (in Florida, obviously) microwaved $300 in an attempt to sanitize it and it burned. She brought it to the bank, they replaced it, and... she proceeded to do the same thing again.

Those sacks they put Crown Royal bottles in are perfect, and you get to feel vaguely medieval when it’s full of coins.

When I was a kid I used those metal film canisters for mixing paint for model cars. When I asked my dad for more he said that was it, it was all plastic now. I was like eight years old and felt like some old crank already.

Interest? My wife’s recently opened “savings account” pays 0.1 percent annually, which is worse than zero in my eyes. Meanwhile, mortgages are up to 6.22 percent. The differential is completely unreasonable.

Not to bring you down, but half the fruits and veggies you buy are coated in petroleum-based wax.

Hypermiling is fun, and I personally prefer to keep my outside gear on in the car so this all sounds fairly reasonable.

I’m on the fence; I will not be predicting things in this case. I feel that things have already moved faster than I expected (in large part thanks to Tesla making EVs prestigious whereas Priuses still somehow appear sanctimonious in the eyes of many). I will consider a Ioniq or somesuch, should I ever be able to

I can’t find a link to the Mira!? It looks to be just the specs I want (aside from the chromed hubcaps).