
This is like when the awkward girl in a stupid movie takes off her glasses and lets her hair fall down in slow motion.

Not really meant as an anti-Altima swipe, just shorthand for terrible, aggressive drivers with zero sense of responsibility and little spatial awareness. There are probably dozens of Altimas operated by normal, sane human beings.

Wait, wait... he’s the brains???

Could work the other way, too - if I buy a Toyota and there is an issue with the finish on a button (satin rather than semi-gloss) I might have a fit, whereas I might give my Alfasud a high rating as long as it is not actively trying to kill me.

I was going to say the exact same thing. Typical Florida Boomer dude in the tropical pattern shirt.

Now playing

Altima drivers are famous for being badly behaved, thinking they are immortal, doing 95mph on a donut spare while cutting lanes etc. But don’t take my word for it:

Thank you all for saving me the trouble of having to explain what should be painfully obvious to all.

These are the people who run lights and speed without consideration. I assure you that they are just as dangerous as the asshats in Altimas.

I am sure the guy would have been ok with getting a ticket if they had also ticketed the a-hole in the Suburban. Those people (above the law, large SUVs, zero morality, shitty attitudes) are a danger to everyone around them.

Look it up. My favorite theory is that it describes what the remnants of a crashed one looks like: imagine a helmet with some strips of meat dangling.

They might not want to sell them for the same reason Ferrari won’t sell you a 2020 F1 car - too much proprietary information.

My car has 48hp and weighs 1599 pounds. If I mistook the pedals, the forces involved would be smaller by an order of magnitude. It’s sort of Tesla’s fault for giving people what they think they want (unbridled power).

Yep. You can import just about anything you want, but American cars will be extremely costly because large engines and general inefficiencies. Nothing is actively withheld, it’s just that they have to come up with a question every week.

Cease and decease” sounds a bit strict, hopefully desisting is all it will take.

That’s the correct take.

The Hummer’s weight and suspension settings met a driver with a seeming lack of mechanical sympathy”

There are definitely some victims, as “enthusiasts” convinced everyone around them to invest (so that they could make their quick bucks).

humanoid, perhaps?

11,000, other than that you were spot on.

Very nice, that looks like my level of amenities. Now I just have to wait 17 more years or so on that one.