
I love everything about this, but “244" (while clever) is not what Ferrari ought to have called this car. The four-cylinder Ferraris were generally named after the displacement of each individual cylinder, rounded when they felt like it: Ferrari 500, 625, 735, 750, 857, 860. This car should have been called Ferrari

To me, remote start seems merely to be a way for people to spew out additional emissions, hurt their car, and waste fossil fuels. I don’t think it should be allowed to begin with, but it still seems unfair to take it away for no real reason.

It is also much more repairable than a newer car. Or at least until that one part seizes to be available.

I think Lexus has a large proportion of older owners. Old people also whinge amongst themselves, so there are probably five dudes in his VFW that won’t buy a new Lexus now.

I fully expect most features to not work or stop working soon. As a matter of fact, features are a negative for me as they are just more things that can break. Example: The power antenna just gave out in my Caldina, whereas my Today has a little stinger antenna that you just pull out by hand. A friend has spent over a

And this is why I will never buy a new car. Well, this and the somewhat strained relationship between my income, student loans, and mortgage.

There is definitely some lag - I deal with Contractors a lot, and some of them are building at a huge loss based on contracts signed earlier. And their prices still haven’t caught up.

I have a Ford Focus wagon with a rusted away rear end for $2,200. Should be good for another year or two, I just got to finish moving house with it first. My 70yo mother just borrowed it and drove ~1,500 miles (NYC to Quebec and all over the place in between) with only a CEL for an open fuel tank lid. It’s... safeish.

When people use math to support whatever it is they wanted to do anyhow, I always smile a little. But the point still remains, it can make sense to buy the more expensive item if you are choosing between two of them.

If you don’t want to get saddled with a high car payment, ask yourself: What do I really need to accomplish with this vehicle, and what’s the most economical way to do that?”

Most underrated comment of the day

Sure, but it’s just a difference in scale. Their behavior is the same.

Add to that that building new cars is NOT GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT either.

It will take a while for all of the other gasoline vehicles to disappear. If they do mostly disappear (I doubt it, I think electric has some issues) then buying gas will be the equivalent of buying fodder for a horse. Only for the wealthy, and probably taken care of by others.

Username checks out. Also, Musk is now just a bigger Spanfeller. Herbs one and all.

I think this is the natural outcome of being the highest rated company in this area. The others are so clueless that they aren’t even aware of how much work remains to be done.

Today I came to the realization that Elon Musk is simply a Herb. He’s totally pulling a Spanfeller on Twitter.

Trying to convince my boss to buy one of these, to avoid another GMC Denali.

No, you’d still have to go more granular and determine in which situations AutoPilot is being used - if it’s all highway miles, you can only compare the results in comparable driving conditions. It would be pretty complicated to get a meaningful conclusion.

I am boycotting the World Cup due to the issues of doing it in Qatar - slave labor, behind-the-scene shenanigans to hold it there. Everyone ought to do the same.