
At least they picked a very cool car for it. That staffer is going to have to sell it; it will be waaaay to recognizable.

I filled up for $3.47 the other day - same station sold diesel at $6.09. That price differential makes absolutely no sense to me; especially since I was also under the impression that diesel required less refining to begin with.

RWD for sure, but it should have a reasonably long wheelbase unless you live somewhere where ending up in a snowdrift isn’t a problem. Peugeot 505 Turbo was my favorite, but my old Volvo 240 was also super fun in the snow. The longer wheelbase gives you plenty of warning and huge margins to do silly things, and you

I am so glad I don’t have TV, because I literally have no clue who Laci Peterson is/was. And no, I don’t need anyone to fill me in.

I’m sorry, the VF e34 is sold in which domestic market? Vietnam?

Ugh, I hate train-on-plane violence.

It said “migrant” so I am guessing mainly Central American.

The original design is soooo much cooler, and I cannot look at that Vogon-designed dashboard without vomiting into my mouth. Still voted NP, though.

In addition to all of the other pointlessnesses already pointed out, what are the emissions of this cheap-ass generator? I know a leaf blower spews out as much emissions as like ten cars.

The original Fiat Multipla. Aside from being a bit too wide for European cities, it was daring and brilliant (and I love to look at it).

Having laws on the books is not the same as enforcing said laws. The problem is that it requires the Police to make judgements and the US police corps haven’t proved themselves particularly good at handling responsibility or enforcing any law that can’t be done using a speed camera.

I heard an idiot on the commuter train whining about how his insurance bill had been going up, even though the agent had assured him that Snapshot would lower it. Hahahahah... oh shit, people this stupid have the right to vote...

I hope this crap remains a render, but lord knows there are enough brainless people in this country to make money on this.

I also don’t understand it, but I am fully aware that they will go nuts for them. I guess it’s some sad, desperate attempt at finding meaning.

Nah, it’s both the wage effect and the fact that the crazies don’t tend to move up any ladders. Fast food will hire literally anyone with a pulse. Like he says, people who work morning shift and daytime are usually hard working poor people; the late night crew... not so much. High schoolers in fast food aren’t really

When I worked fast food, the GM or Manager would hand me a few food temperature sheets every few months and have me fill them out with a variety of pens.

Hah, I’ll believe all of that; I used to work at a Taco Bell when I first got my green card. Once, a customer walked in on two of my co-workers in the bathroom while one of them was giving oral sex to the other.

Although there is a risk: I am waaaay more productive in weeks with a holiday - working four-day weeks might lead to even more s**t being made.

Yes of course, for that family it would be. I am saying that those are straw man arguments that in no way explain over 85,000 Suburban sales last year.

My wife’s Savings Account is paying... drumroll... 0.1 percent interest. Just call it zero, no need to spit into my coffee with 0.1 percent.