
Hey, it works for Tesla somehow.

Wait, you’re comparing VW making a $4.7 billion PROFIT with a bleeding startup? While I do hope that Rivian makes it, VW seems to be doing fairly decent considering their business climate.

3-4 people at 40mph versus 1000+ people at the same speed... It’s cheaper to build the initial structure, but it is insanely expensive per passenger and to operate. The cost of tires alone is staggering.

I used to have a Toyota Tercel 4WD in teal, but a five-speed. Of course, it had been born beige metallic...

Eh, like nearly everything built in the last 20 years, they will be inoperable by then anyhow.

I live in the Northeast and I have been close to melting this week... but yes, still better than Georgia, I imagine.

My car has manual windows in the rear, and I often wish they were manual up front, too. Having to turn on the ignition to open the windows is occasionally a hassle: I like to leave the windows open for a while before driving anywhere in the NYC summer, and 90 percent of the time my wife and daughter will step out of

Any Korean who buys a BMW (or any imported car) is on a whole ‘nother level. Import cars are insanely insanely expensive. Owning an imported car reportedly used to trigger tax audits (!). Everything to protect domestic manufacturers.

There is, of course, a simple and brilliant solution: don’t under any circumstance buy a new BMW.

I thought that was merely grim, and then I saw the interior pictures. Utter misery all around.

That is completely removed from reality. I do not often speed (my car has 48hp) but your ideas of penalties are completely over the top.

Neutral: I was recently reading a bunch of Kafka, but I also deal with the NYC DOB and Landmarks Commission and it was all becoming a bit too much. I can recommend anything by Ottesa Moshfegh - like Kafka, she is willing to be cruel to her own creations, which means she is never predictable. Just finished Death in Her

In Sweden we say “hurry slowly” - it’s the fastest way in the end.

Countdown to “oh, but bicyclists don’t always stop at stop signs”

It’s so, so bad that I can’t help liking it.

Yes, but P(B) is again related to overall miles driven in each type of vehicle, isn’t it?

Everyone is right except Andy: a Ford Escape will ensure mistreatment and suspicion from everyone you encounter. It’s the Chevrolet Cavalier of the 2020s.

Everyone except Andy is totally correct. A Ford Escape is today’s answer to a beat up Chevrolet Cavalier; a great way to ensure the worst possible expectations/treatment.

Seriously, in a sane world there would be small station wagons to choose between.

My frustration levels have spun the dial clear around the clock several times.