
So when some weird guy comes up to you in Denver and offers you a human head for sale, beware! - it could be stolen.

It is weird when someone invents their own rules and then proceeds to make a mockery of them. It is like cheating at solitaire after having created your own deck of cards.

But odds are that your car is only 60% full at any given time.

I am sure people are already stealing pesticides...

As pointed out already, bail is for people charged but not convicted.

Yes, things like “how much is the fine for speeding 5-9mph over the limit and then four plausible amounts listed. Useless on purpose.

Yep, energy prices are all linked. They don’t relate directly, but it will be felt across the board.

Hah! The plot unthickens. FWIW, NYT stated that the company was based in the Marshall Islands.

Why is ethanol used to signify this slightly paranoid patient?

That requires planning. Also, not all people have outlets.

I didn’t say immediately, if it’s cold run it for up to a minute to make sure that the fluids are moving around. There are literally thousands of articles on this.

Umm, it’s owned by a “company” called Bielor Assets Ltd. - sounds a lot like Byelorussia (Belarus) to me, which might make this Lukashenko’s boat. I think Putin just enjoys power, he doesn’t even need yachts and such.

I saw it in Mineola several years ago, which was a surprise as I had only ever heard of this monument to pointlessness from brief mentions in car magazines back when it was built. It’s.... something.

What would really make a difference is to stop delivering spare parts to Russia, as I am certain that the Ferrari population is significantly larger than the official sales would indicate.

Sheriff not following procurement policy and spending money with family should suffice.

Not only are you doing serious harm to the environment (mainly because your catalytic converters won’t reach operating temperatures while idling and thus it is spewing out tons of extra emissions) but you are also harming your car. Idling is not a good way to warm up the engine, it takes a long time and you are

Another scary thing is that this is only going to fuel nuclear proliferation. If North Korea didn’t provide enough of a lesson, this surely proves that if you have nukes and act crazy, you can mostly do as you please.

Does this mean there will be more cars listed at RADforsale or is there no relation? For now, Hagerty is probably my favorite hegemon.

Figured, I just like the cake rule. Whenever I mention this to people from the US, they immediately start saying things like “well, what about a $30,000 wedding cake?” Which to me is a perfect illustration of how the entire American legal system is completely borked - Americans can’t even fathom a system in which

Agreed. It seems like the fairest possible outcome. Punching someone who is that old is never going to end well, but it is understandable in this case.