
Thanks for the link; I used to read the Root but it has become worse than a bad joke. It feels like a Republican false-flag operation nowadays.

I have nothing against the new writers, but they all come across as new-hires desperate not to rock the boat to me (Mercedes and Raph excluded). As for Rory’s statement that they listen to our valid complaint: HAHAHAHAH.

Crashed my bike and was trying to get away from the ambulance - the EMT said: “You feel alright, do you? Touch your face and look at your hand”

More jail doesn’t really help anyone. I know it’s hard (instinctively, I want his stupid ass to suffer as well) but no society benefits from keeping people incarcerated.

Some twats broke into my car and stole my stereo. Some cops actually caught the kids immediately, they were convicted, and over the next six years the managed to pay me back the $1-2K they owed me. I would get random checks for $42, spaced very far apart. Of course, these were suburban teenagers whose parents probably

It was more like the first half of an article, but yes, not bad.

I love that anime fans were convinced to throw away their money because there were pictures. Brilliant.

Hey, I didn’t have to click anything to see all these! Not worth losing you-know-whom for, but at least one thing that has actually improved.

Did Raph go to Freccia Bros? Air-cooled VW specialists, located about two blocks away from where you picked up the Bugatti.

I have burst so many bubbles I can’t even remember anymore.

You guys are going to have to employ a proofreader at some point. Spell check does not catch everything.

For me it is that the second I try to joining in on a grift, it collapses.

I agree with the Lagonda - as much as I love it, those pop-ups were awful.

Uh, these deck chairs could use some rearranging?

Luckily the AT&T uniform is near impossible to forge... for anyone without a credit card.

Why do two thirds of Americans believe that quotation marks add emphasis?

In terms of copyrighting? Absolutely, as far as photos are concerned.

My photo! Yay! I have seen it on the street and it is a Very Silly Looking Machine.

Problem being I see no reason whatsoever to think he would want to speak out. Not even a twinkle of moral qualms behind those dead eyes.

I think it will be more degeneracy and decay, as so far we have been replicating Rome (at breakneck speed) more than 18th century France.