Imagemagick is way more powerful and way more useful, and it's platform agnostic.
Imagemagick is way more powerful and way more useful, and it's platform agnostic.
You got it, oh man. You are going to love an SSD vs a 5400.... Hands down the best upgrade anyone can do.
It's the bandwidth allowed, Sata II is 300MB/s while Sata III is 600MB/s. So depending on which SSD you would get, it would cap your speeds. I grabbed those from here which may have other helpful info.
" particularly those that pertain tot he desktop"
Generally positive, like @NSFInternet said any massage is a good massage (and you're officially trained, I bet you're much better than you think you are)!
SSD's latencies are way better than hard drives, so no matter what SATA revision you are on you'll notice a huge gain.
A few options exist:
I believe that is a downgrade from my Arch setup. On my gaming rig I will wait until W9.
Can I bum on their couch for a week?
You misunderstand. I am jealous of their jobs.
You're probably right.
I wonder what it is like to get paid to state the obvious and recite things you read online (that the public filtered up or down for you).
cpunameOperatingsystem (for custom rigs)
Where do I send my monies?
Yep.. I have been doing Apple Fusion for 4 years... so they owe me royalties, right? ;)
Sadly, on iOS 6 there are more bloat apps than the standard folder can hold. So you may end up with junk0, junk1, junk2. But I agree, much more reasonable, especially if you reboot more than once a month (likely).
#1, I would replace the LED's in the keyboard mouse then if green is the color of choice.