Mr. Fluffykins

What games do diplomacy well?

@Nintendo451: Well, this isn't really the same version as the DS remake. It's FFIV easy version with a questionable translation. Although, for $8, who are we to complain?

@Clive Bavels: I don't think you have a valid point because you're citing a trend that doesn't exist. Kotaku has run off-topic posts in the past and the focus of the site hasn't changed one iota in the four years I've been reading it.

@Limality: Dude, see a few threads above. Bash doesn't really have as much control over the situation as you might think.

@Clive Bavels: Your criticism of this article is rather short sited.

@—Core—: Well, this is a discussion of Final Fantasy, on the internet, so yeah, you really do need someone to point this out.

@smithy cat: DC has been shut down since FRIDAY! NYC got nuthin'.

You guys got nuthin' on Washington DC.

Let's buy up some NIS stock!

@endaround: I may be way out of line with this, but it seems like Japan has much more of a herd mentality when it comes to stock selloffs.

When's Dr. Ashen going to review this?

@(Starman) #number258: Man, the banhammer has really gotten sensitive about this stuff. I remember a couple years ago you'd get comments like that to a post like this and they'd just let it roll.

@SPni: Look how few comments there are. Nobody's been able to make it to the bottom.

@bakagaijin: JET is pretty tough to get in to based on what I remember hearing when I was in college (if anything it's probably gotten worse since I was there). I'd venture that any Japan job is going to be tough right now.

@Ashurahori: Some group equally annoying will just come and replace them. Why bother caring about it?

@Lincolnsbeard33: They're using the music from Soosiz so I guess that does make this game related.

@Spongehead56: You should read the FFXIII impressions at Wired. Very to-the-point.

@Decoy_Doctorpus: I don't think anyone could put it more perfectly than that.