
I was all cool with the shots... until the testicle shot and man was that NOT cool....

which phrase? war on cliche?

you don't know what a Study is do you?

can I say yes? :)

war against cliche? Sorry, I'm not fox news XD

What's wrong with women who willing show off their beautiful assets? Cliche? everything is a cliche nowadays. Want to be a film maker? what a cliche. Want to be a CEO of a major corporation and be on top of the ladder? what a cliche. What to be an all star athlete? what a cliche.

so far none of these esteem scientists have been able to give any definitive proof for any of their conjecture. In the end it is still a study and nothing more. it's not a law, it's not even a theory. It's a study therefore I rarely take these "studies" seriously because they're mostly prone to be abandoned especially

I understand and agree with what you're saying and I think alot of people who read this assumed that I am for EVERY single kind of physical punishment. I'm not. I meant proper spanking of kids, not beat the living daylights out of them and leave them a pile of bruise and battered meat. That's an extreme.

so do you also believe every single "study" out there as well? Because I think you would need to become a vegan and live in a plastic.. no, lead... wait no, not that either.. a magical barrier that will stop you from ever getting terrible diseases like cancer because you know, eating red meat will get you cancer,

i totally disagree. I got my ass spanked by wire clothhangers because I was being a brat and a fool. I learned my lesson and never did stupid stuff like that again.

^————————————- Truth. 'nuff said.

yup. that's just as true. Personally I don't care if people merge into the lane I'm in as long as they don't force me to touch the brakes. I use turn signals and I give 3-5 seconds of warning before I even merge. It's not that hard and its' the law. people need to learn to use it.

They do, but the difference is that they can't prevent a child from obtaining their parents credit card physically and putting it in on facebook. Not to consider that we don't even know if the mother put it on herself as well as the fact that she consented to let her kids have a facebook account.

the responsibility for what? To monitor everyone's children to make sure they don't steal from their parents?

The mom should blame herself for this. It is not Facebook's responsibility to keep track of your credit card for you nor is it their responsibility to prevent your kids to steal your credit card and use it without your knowledge.

actually, to give more depth to that, it was originally called Darky, but they changed it to Darlie not long afterwards.

most drivers don't use their turn signals in general, even if it is the law and many of those that do use it somehow believe that by virtue of turning on their turn signal, they instantly get the right to cut infront of you regardless of how close you are or how fast you're going.

It's pretty fun in general. The story might not be the best all the time but the character dynamics are fantastic. It's not often that you'll see a cast this big to have such good chemistry between them all.

cluttered, no hotkeys, overlapping bars, etc.

if this is really his UI, then he's what I categorize as a n00b. not a newb, but a n00b.