
The logical response would then have to be….When, exactly, does it become advocating censorship? When Frederick Wertham wrote Seduction of the Innocent - a book that can be described as criticism - advocating that comic books were the root of all childhood evil, based on nothing but his own opinion, that was free

One last thing, in a very real way, what I am decrying in Mr. Anselm's review is the same bullshit that Pat Robertson pulls on the 700 Club….they're just speaking their mind, and it's free speech. Yet, it's still "I don't like this, and all right-thinking people don't like this, so we should get rid of it."

That is exactly NOT what I said.

I think the most personally troubling thing about this particular quote is that Mr. Anselmi seems to believe that freedom of speech should end where he becomes uncomfortable. It doesn't work like that, and it certainly doesn't work like that in artistic expression. It crosses the line of criticism with the "no room"

I expect my snark to be:

It's Stevie and Mick Fleetwood on the cover of rumors….I'm sure that's already been mentioned, but I can't dig through all these comments.

Some things are forever, my friend….

Point Of Order: Jane Weidlin doesn't play bass. Rhythm guitar.

Ultimately, for me…the female cast is irrelevant.

Great show. No, it's not groundbreaking, but it was solid storytelling, consistently well-acted and executed. I realize to the AV Club that means "dull," but…*shrug*

Old news…the entire scene between Stallone, Schwarzenegger and Willis in the first film is pretty literally Sly and Arnold flirting with each other while Bruce looks uncomfortable.