It is a great game that I still play once in a while, the only thing I hate its the rhythm game I was never able to do it properly.
It is a great game that I still play once in a while, the only thing I hate its the rhythm game I was never able to do it properly.
But the Nexus is a SUPER phone !
@Parsifal: Moving my arm it is not laziness pressing a button it is, I just have to move a thumb.
Damn... I only bought 2 games this past year.
I promise to work REALLY hard to develop stronger anti social skills so I can spend more time with my games.
The good thing is that they have a clean organized collection instead of a total mess.
2010 it is going to be a great year to be a gamer just like any other year n_n.
@Friedhamster: hahahahah
@Pretty Pink Pwnie: Skype and a more robust browser would be amazingly grate!
Worth of mouth sell the most of anything.
@zodiark1: I wish that was true...
@Veloc: Amen.
@NoHoldsBarred: I don't, but its all about tastes.
@lxlZerolxl: I smell BS on the smell of your BS!
I was watching it without audio and you can easily think woo its a second final fantasy movie.
@RicketyCricket: Fourthded!!!!
@Bhockzer: Babyz has powers !!
Because I live in a very religious country some people tell their kids that Baby Jesus (niƱo dios) is the one that put the presents under the tree.
@illiniphase4: hahahhahaha and it will bring holograms!
@ThirzaLepidus: I know, I live there, just joking about the fact that they didn't mention it.