@doggydaddy: Its just a fad like the Wii, it will pass. #modernwarfare2
@doggydaddy: Its just a fad like the Wii, it will pass. #modernwarfare2
@lonkley: I would have to work 95 years without spending a dime to score $1 mill. D: #modernwarfare2
@billwilljr: Well that really is a problem I don't have much money right now but I have to buy that book haha it looks really good and you wont regret buying the Wizard of Oz the first page will make you very happy of that purchase. #atlaspopupbook
@ratatat: really ? I was playing some days ago and the number was around 80k. #uncharted2amongthieves
Like I said in Kotaku: who cares about facebook the PS3 already have a web browser (not the best one that's for shure), they should be adding skype like they did with the psp or something more useful. #ps3facebook
@Kaibutsu: The books are around $17 to $20 in amazon but that is nothing compared to the amount of work they have.
I collect pop-up books and you haven't seen a pop-up book till you see a Robert Sabuda book #atlaspopupbook
ugh....facebook, I think it would be better to add Skype like they did with the psp, that would me more useful since the PS3 already have a web browser. #playstation3
@eimajtl: But think of the children!!! #assassinscreedii
@eimajtl: The only logical solution to save our world its castrating all the men in the planet! #assassinscreedii
@Lulzor: I SO TOTALLY SECOND THIS MOTION ! #modernwarfare2
@NarooN: I'm with you on that the washed effect can be easily fixed, but in the second screenshot you can notice the street sign in the PS3 version its slightly less sharped but the difference its so stupid that this hole post its a waste of time. #modernwarfare2
Hahahahaah the picture hahah. #pspgo
@phor11: That's nice, I will tell my friend thank you. #left4dead2
@DrakeDatsun: Well then my hands are note human D: #art
@knails: Of course it is not natural someone being decapitated that is part of the cycle of life you know..
@Foxstar is in love with Kotaku's two Brians.: YOU < dislike holding down a button... so the game is crap... why do you even play videogames? #littlebigplanet
@Chirotera.: hahahha