Cool!!! so that means you live in a super high tech volcano ??
Cool!!! so that means you live in a super high tech volcano ??
hahah its amazing! That vs screen its going to be my new wallpaper.
@Archaotic: YES!!! I have no idea why they went with the only 2 weapons feature... ITS A GAME with amazing weapons I don't care if there's no place to put all that weapons.
@Archaotic: hahahahahaha
@the7k: I love the taste of flat Coke!!
@(zombie) PeteyCoco: Yeah just wait till Modern Warfare X battle in Space!!!!
@newtype2011: WOOOOowww the same thing happened to me yesterday AND TODAY !!!!
@Pretty Sneaky Sis: hahahaha
@omgwtflolbbqbye: I have the same feeling that I'm sure that this game it's going to be a very polished and fun experience but its just that the hype train never passed my by so far as it did this time.
@NoBullet: Right there in the minute 5.....
I don't like that model but maybe it would work for most of the people, I think that an amazing demo like the Lost Planet demo on the PS3 it is the perfect example of what developers have to do.
3D : (
@Antiterra: Count me in, where do we send it ?
Don't you get it, its all part of the serious drama that evolves through the game.
@Brian Crecente: Retails for $29.99 USD.??
@Psychedelicide: isn't that the same ?
I hope the creation mode benefits a lot with the Sony wands.
My motion balls... you know more family friendly.
@NoBullet: it rumbles.