
Especially when last year, he was thrown out of a bar for being a massive drunk and causing havoc after losing a pool game. His problems have been long documented.

I recall him talking about going to his GoT audition with a black eye because he’d gotten into some fisticuffs with someone at a McDonalds the night before. Not the behavior of a sober person.

I think he would have been perfectly fine for another 2-3 seasons if they wanted to give it proper time to finish strong. His stress came from the show ending, not being in it for so long.
I just hope he doesn’t feel bad because of all the people disappointed by the final season, everyone is praising the actors and

My kids are night and day in this department. My daughter will fix herself a salad for a snack. My son? If it’s not a carb, he won’t eat it.

I think Kit Harington’s alcohol issues long pre-date the end of the show (fans used to call him Lit Harington) but I really do wish him the best. I’m sure the “what next” is insanely difficult for someone in his position.

Isn’t Kylie Jenner’s baby like 1 year old? But she eats sushi, edamame, seaweed and pomegranate seeds? All I can think is that these things are mostly choking hazards or hard on such a young child’s digestive system.

Stormi is setting that baby trap. They spend that first year of eating solids consuming a wide variety of foods and you think “I did it! I introduced a wide variety of foods and my kid will not be a picky eater.”

Agreed, it has to be difficult to catapult to fame because of a role that everyone loves and then that role ends, and you are no longer that character.  I feel bad for him, he seems sweet.

It’s really weird to live in a world where posting photos of a vacation is more important than actually enjoying a vacation. 

There is a vast, vast gulf between killing a couple of leaders that turned against you/killing a slaver population and murdering an entire city full of ostensibly your subjects because... why exactly? This is the woman who locked away her 3 children because one of them accidentally killed one child, who refrained

After 7 seasons being told my the narrative and production that Dany was the queen we wanted, this is a horrible injustice to the character and her entire narrative. And poor Emilia Clarke was forced to try to make us believe (with another long pointless stare) in her inhumane decision to torch the city after they

I think what disappoints me about it is for a story that always reveled in defying expectations “Mad Queen is Mad” is not very interesting. And I think they really ramped shit up in a really unsatisfying way. Like all of the characters seemed absolutely determined to push her off the deep end. "You mad yet? How about

Ah yes. The one good man. Too good to be around all these crazy, power-hungry women.

If you’ll please forgive me copying another post I made on that subject,

This season has been atrocious, even worse than last season. This episode was at least intense. But the conclusion of the Long Night episode killed any remaining investment I had in the series. At this point I’m not surprised that nothing makes sense anymore. At least this episode was visually interesting.

No. The Battle for Winterfell was the low point.

It’s like they were like, “Hey, so how can we show that we really don’t understand our characters but spend as much money as possible to close out the series?”

Tonight: Arya spends many minutes... learning of the horrors of war, which she already knew, and realizing that she likely peaked slaying Walder Frey in terms of series enjoyment, and maybe Gendry is still single, I don’t know.

Yeah. I can’t believe it took 8 seasons to come up with this. 

Solid contender for worst fucking episode.