
See you there love!

Are you having a bad day? I actually don’t mean that to be snarky - you’re throwing bombs left and right and clearly want to fight. If you are, I actually am genuinely sorry. Go for a run, have a drink, vent to a like-minded friend. Everybody’s upset enough about what’s going to happen in a week, no need to make

Honestly, I think they’re all quite liberal and way over-correcting for it by the Wikileaks/pissing memo double standard. Lean in to your political bias guys, no matter what you do conservatives will think you’re lying. LEAN IN.

“quickly regress into a series of teachable moments about how the other person is horrible.”

Truest thing I’ve ever seen.

Right? Dude, I actually like Arnold and would have at least given it a pity watch had I not hated Donald so much. Politics aside, I read some of Arnold’s Twitter feed where randos were sending him tweets about their workout progress and he was like “good job!,” “You’re doing so well!,” Wow!” I must admit after that,

Same here, except for I just remember sitting on my cousin’s stairs waiting for him and my dad to install the games on 20 floppys while I flipped through the manual and imagined what awesomeness was about to happen.

I would see that movie in literally 2 seconds. Please write it now thank you. It could be Sleeping With the Enemy IN SPAAAACE.

Oh shoot, I clicked on your comment and took away several stars, which was the exact opposite of my intent. FORGIVE ME.

It’s the best boat!

Secretary of Kommerce

Plenty of time for that when she’s the New Secretary of Commerce.

I’m right there with you. For the last few months, I have been obsessed with painting my nails, watching Netflix and bitching about Trump, but doing nothing. I feel this immense sense of guilt for not doing anything when it was at ounce of prevention stage. But I’d never forgive myself for not doing anything at the

I know. I’m so sorry. I tell it to myself to comfort myself that not everyone is just gut-wrenchingly terrible/running around in the streets screaming slurs and can be reasoned with, but I apologize, truly, if it came off as cavalier. I certainly didn’t mean it that way and I feel truly awful if I’ve offended.

I don’t want to be Pollyanna, but I have no other way to be without running and screaming and hiding in a hole. 25% of the country wants this guy to be our president. Other quarter voted for Hillary and 50% not at all. While its sobering, we should have the numbers to fight for and protect all Americans - especially

Millions of white people like you too, I promise. I know it’s really hard right now, but please believe that while so many of us suck, I and millions of other white ladies across the country are bawling about what this has done to non-white Americans. I’m sorry so many white folks just blow, but please know there are

Never ever be ashamed. I am so sorry this is happening to you, and I’m utterly disgusted that it’s come to this. This is America now, but I swear to God it won’t be America forever. We’ll fight for you.

Right on my friend. Let’s get it done.

....I am reassessing my sexuality. As in, mostly attracted to men, maybe a handful of women in my life. Let’s get that second number higher, f you patriarchy!

I don’t know if this makes you feel better, but it makes me. I’m a white woman with a white collar job —> won’t feel the pain nearly as much as other folks. I have been on and off crying all morning, esp. after I read the earlier bit about Muslim women taking off their hijabs. I live in LA, and when I was walking into