
That's just your opinion, man.

For starters, you have a huge boner right now.

This guy. I got him when I was two months old, around the time The Land Before Time came out. He's survived several moves and a steady diet of Cheezits I forced him to chew when I, a stupid six-year-old, could find no tree stars in southwest Michigan to feed him.

What a fucking coward.

Can't a girl want to grow up to be an engineer and want to wear a tiara as well?

Vince Wilfork: Out (Ribs)

Well, I'm sorry for you. I thought you might be a troll, but it looks like you're just a very confused and misguided person who doesn't understand that thinking someone will be damned in the afterlife, that their attractions and love relationships are inherently unnatural and condemned by God IS hateful. You can

Nielsen also reported the huge drop in ratings. Although I believe last I checked the numbers started going back up. Ugh.

While it takes balls to turn an ad campaign into an article, only a true savant of that which is ballsiest would turn an article into an ad campaign.

He takes his churros with soda too.

While we're on the subject of crabs, I find it disturbing how Lena just drew a crab on top of her painting so she could "tag it". It seems as though she treats her paintings like a tweet where she can just insert a hash tag. The internet has doomed us all.

Historical Nuggets:

I just can't..

I don't always use this gif, but when i do its very special


Fat Tony: Bart, is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family?

You mean, the movie where Batman is married to Mystique but is really in love with Lois Lane, and both Batman and Lois get forced to work with Rocket Racoon to con Hawkeye into accepting bribes?

But a, Jay and Silent Bob Movie? Who would pay to see that?