1998 Mo Vaughn

Staying true to form, The Hawk kept flapping his wings as he tried to chase down Swoop.  The Hawk will never die, but he can’t cover for shit.

Feeling a little bad for Quebec. Canada should have more hockey teams.

Nice! I say their first three games are played against the Canadiens to see who really won the 1919 Stanley Cup. Influenza be damned!

Honestly, MLB really should try to add a third team in NY or another into LA or an AL team into Philly or a NL team into Boston. All of those markets could easily absorb another team. It won’t happen b/c of the politics but new teams in those locations would probably do better than a team in Portland.

Boston 3:16

I’m a Boston-born new Yorker who has supported the Mets since 2009, and I’ve come here to defend my hometown against this “blowing” charge.

Boston is a professional sports town. It has been a pro sports town since the 1960s. It doesn’t care about the four NCAA hockey teams. It doesn’t care about Boston College

Okay, two completely different and unrelated incidences, doing two vaguely similar, but not really similar things.

I do not understand this fetishization of promotion/relegation. It is not the reason America sucks at soccer, nor is it the reason MLS underachieves. The NBA is one of many basketball leagues in the world, yet it has no promotion/relegation and America is the best nation in the world at basketball, and the NBA is the

Sollenberger has become exactly what he created PFT to parody. 

None of this would have happened if someone had informed this poor lady that Saturdays are for the boys!!!

The lawyers are working pro bono.

You get different media than I do because I remember a healthy number of people- correctly- calling for the ol’ Death Penalty for PSU and a lot of fucking blowback when all it got was a couple years of bowl inelligibility and Paterno’s wins vacated.

You... you do know that they are still going to vote against all of these judges, right? And they will still be able to enter whatever they want in the record regarding these judges, right?

Unlike the people who frequent these boards, most people don’t give a fuck about politics in the day to day. And they aren’t going

I’m with you, Tom. Fuck Joe McDonald, and fuck the new PawSox ownership.

So what you’re saying is that Rhode Island’s offer to the PawSox was a bad deal for taxpayers, but another city’s offer was even Worcester?

Might as well. I don’t see any other teams from North America playing.

Who ARE these people?


Thanks for respecting the accented letters, Tom.


LeBron to Sacramento