1998 Mo Vaughn

For whatever reason, I really liked Lou as a player. Kids always glom on to random players to like, and he was, to me, Nomar’s double-play buddy.

I had the displeasure of listening to about 15 second of Kirk and Callahan today. They were screaming with a third person - I don’t know who was in which corner, but it was 2v1 - about how Boston sports radio is better than every other cities’ sports radio.

I made a comment in the NFL subreddit about how the situation in Boston Sports Radio is apparently “casual racism, ok, saying Tom Brady’s kid is annoying, RED LINE.” Every response was from someone with a Patriots avatar, and every response about Adam Jones said he was lying.

David Ortiz has won many awards named after Edgar Martinez. If he gets in before Edgar does, something is wrong.

Ah, once again the Democrats are most concerned about being seen as the “reasonable” party that is willing to work together and compromise.


It’s weird to me that people believe a) the Patriots are huge cheaters who were caught cheating by the NFL, and b) the NFL rigs games for the Patriots. It’s not unlike believing that the FBI nailed Hillary for her dangerous and flagrantly illegal e-mail server, and also that they secretly were trying to sink Trump’s

May favorite thing about the Pats is they upset people who say “excellence is kinda boring”.

I tend to think that could would have been safely ruled out by jump coordinated being known only be the helmsman (or randomized) Additionally, any spy or tracking device would have immediately revealed the shuttles while riding them (hell, random hacker guy was able to, and he had no way to know about the tracking).

Yes, you did. Literally.

You get one chance in your life to have your jersey retired, and you only get that if you’ve been an incredibly important part of an NBA franchise’s history. You’ll live, on average, 28,740 days, and ONE of those days will be the day where you get to sit back and be like “I worked my ass off for fifteen years and I’m

Scalabrine held it all together.

The Golden Knights should take advantage of this trademark claim and change their entire uniform, color scheme, and name. Their unis look like a 1990s AHL team and the “Golden Knights” name sounds like the type of moniker a high school chooses after they had to trash “Injuns” to get with the times. Just awful stuff.

I understand how you feel but there are 5 or 6 New England Revolution fans who think you’re an asshole. Good day, sir!

Why are we pretending that the idea that there are other people beyond the Skywalkers using the force is some kind of revelation? That’s always how it’s been. Like, in addition to the prequels, there are entire episodes of Clones Wars and Rebels that deal with other force-using kids. Not to mention half of every Star

The difference is that when Palpatine was introduced we literally knew NOTHING about the backstory of the galaxy far far away. Lucas was just creating an entire galaxy that we were being plopped into the middle of, so we had to accept that certain things are unknown. But by TFA we DID know the backstory that led up to

I don’t know why you’re acting like Figo (Ballon d’Or winner in 2000) and Rui Costa in their prime were a couple of scrubs.

We currently have a doddering old fool with an overblown ego as president. We don’t need another in 2020.

Still not a success. If you get the first 9 questions wrong on a math test, but you get the last one right, sure, that is better than missing all 10 questions, but it is still not a success, but a massive failure. Talking about the fact that you got that one question right, while not even addressing why you got the

Become a Democrat, get influence as to how the DNC operates. Bernie’s always had that option, and he’s thus far refused to do so.