Mouthface got Kinja'd

Good luck, I hope you have your baby soon!

I do as well.

Maybe coconut oil or nut butter?

I’m not the praying type, but I have my fingers crossed and I’m sending you and Big Foot good thoughts and vibes. Hopefully she can get a diagnosis and treatment quickly

I had that as well. What testing has she had done? I’ve ad EEG, ECG, MRI, CAT SCANS, another one where I had to lie in a dark room with lights flashing and flickering in front of me to see how I reacted to them, and some others that I can’t remember right now.

Now playing

Short, this may seem weird but I’d like to share a few songs with you. My friends and I sing them to each other when we’re struggling with our mental health and it does work. I’m not sure whether it’s the songs or the fact we have each others backs, but it helps us, and hopefully this and the fact most Jezzies have

Have you tried their lemon and lime jaffa cakes? They are ridiculously good. My mum buy the double pack and my brother eats the lot to himself with a cup of tea.

Evening Jezzies, how are you all tonight?

As a twentysix year old who currently has agonizing cramps, I fully agree with you

Congratulations to MiddleChild and you!

My mum had a blanket like that when I was a kid

Her daughter is half Black, so it would be fine for her to wear her hair in traditionally Black braids. As Kim is not Black and hasn’t said she likes the braids on women of colour and particularly Black women, and these women have inspired her to get some, she is getting backlash and people saying it’s cultural

Do you have P3 near you? They’re a UK charity and can help you apply for grants for furniture, get carpets , anything you need. Otherwise try facebook marketplace and selling groups in your local area. Congratulations!

Thank you for this. My mum’s diabetic and I’m always looking for stuff she can eat that won’t make her ill.

I could see the middle one on a red carpet as well

I’m gonna ring them and see what they suggest, my arm/shoulders getting ridiculous now. I’ve just spilled a hot cup of tea over myself again.

My gp injected me after the physiotherapist and another gp recommended it. He told me it generally worked in two thirds of people who’ve had it, but it could take a while to start working. I don’t know if he has a lot of experience injecting shoulders.

Evening Jezzies, how are you all tonight?

Now playing

They have a whole musical about it if you’re in need of something to fill a couple of hours.

Good Luck!