Mouthface got Kinja'd

I’ve done the FODMAPs diet a few times now, and the only consistant trigger is garlic. Everything else just seems to go between being a trigger and being fine.

Thank you

Sorry in advance because this is probably gonna be TMI, but does anyone here have IBS where you get super constipated, and have diarrhoea?

Would a wax burner be any good for you? You basically get all the enjoyment of a candle without the stress of accidentally setting your house on fire

Can you find it on ebay? I buy bundles of wax melts on there. and bought a joblot of I think 15? maybe? for my mum for Christmas because it was scents we couldn’t get in store

Second link is NSFW

It’s like a crop top bra. Some can be worn as an actual top, while others are lacy, and usually worn as underwear.

Is Lush any better for her? Or Palmers?

Professional disabled person here, yes I’ve spent far too much time in a wheelchair and have the rest of my life to look forward to being in a wheelchair. I probably should have worded it better to actually say if you’re going to an event where you could theoretically wear those shoes, and have either someone to push

I hope your wife is feeling better soon and recovering quickly

They would be fantastic for wearing in a wheelchair so you just sit there and look pretty wearing them

I haven’t put the wax on tonight or last night, and he hasn’t peed in here since. His litter tray is in the kitchen so all he has to do is walk out of my room, go down the hall, and he’s there.

It’s worth a shot.

The vet checked for everything he could. I don’t have a litter tray for him in my room, partly because I fall alot and could do without falling in his litter tray, and partly because I have carpet in my room, and he doesn’t have the best aim.

The vet checked for everything he could. I’ll try the Feliway though, thank you.

Does anyone have any advice for me and my cat? He’s seven and over the last week he’s started peeing in my bedroom. A month ago we had builders in, who decided they needed to get in the airing cupboard in my bedroom, so ather than waiting for me to move the bedding out, they decided to throw it around my bedroom

I have super dry, scaly skin, and love Lush’s Let The Good Times Roll, and their Skin Drink. I use the scrub a couple of times a week and the moisturizer every day, sometimes a couple of times a day. I also use SPF daily because my meds and the sun and my skin all hate each other.

That’s pretty much my entire existence lol. Five years ago, I was in my bedroom having god knows how many seizures and decided to look up ‘AVPM’ which I’d heard about on Harry Potter websites. I watched te first half hour or so and then got sucked in because its true to the books, but it’s bits from all the books at

I don’t know if you have anything like this near you, but about a month ago my local Tesco had the Fantastic Beasts DVDs reduced down to £3 because nobody was buying them, with full proceeds going the local battered womens shelter. One of the ladies working there had needed the shelters help and she was talking to the

Thank god I found someone who agrees with me that it was terrible