Mouthface got Kinja'd

I bought this dress, and I’m going to wear it with black fleecy leggings, and a big black cardigan because my house is constantly freezing. I’m not wearing a witches hat though, because I forgot to buy one while I was shopping.

Aaahh that sounds amazing!! I hope you have a fun time there, and your kid enjoys it as well! Are you going to dress up for it?

Are you sure you’re not dressing up as me in my everyday wear? Lol. Do you mind explaining why Halloween is a Religious Experience because I’ve never heard that before. I’ve heard people say their religion won’t let them celebrate Halloween because it’s worshipping Satan, but never that it’s a Religious Experience

That would be really good! Is that your arm in the pic, because I think the facial hair should show up properly. Maybe try black mascara or eyeliner, with white eyeliner, then going over the whole lot with black and white eyeshadows to make sure it shows up?

Could you get some on Amazon for fairly cheap?

That sounds like one of the best ways to do it. The only way it can be improved is to eat a lot of sweets/candy when you get home.

Had I not already agreed to dress up with Lucy, her sister wanted me to dress up as a cat or dinosaur with her. That was all well and good, until she wanted me to either meow with her all day, or act like a dinosaur and run and roar with her. We shall see what she has me dressing up as next year...

I just had to google that, but that will look so good!

Are you lovely Jezzies dressing up for Halloween, and if you are, what are you dressing up as? I’m dressing up as a galaxy witch with my friends’ 3 year old daughter who is super excited I’m dressing up with her.

A butchers maybe?

Sorry about your friends, but congratulations on your little ones

That’s normally my reaction as well. I don’t know why it was so bad this year.

I really can’t wrap my mind around how people can be so selfish.

Good luck to you and your kids because the flu jabs this year have really nasty side effects. Normally they don’t affect me, but this year it has, and most other people I know who have them have had bad reactions this year.

How can anyone be so selfish? And it’s not just immunocompromised children, it’s parents, grandparents, pregnant women and potentially their babies. I really don’t get how people can be so selfish.

That’s one way of putting it.

It’s infuriating, isn’t it? 

Do they know anything at all about vaccines or diseases? Do they know how selfish they are being? Like yeah their kid might be fine, but the kid next door who’s too young for vaccines might not be, granny who has cancer might not be, but hey their kids are fine?

I haven’t had that yet, but my friends kids are autistic and their daycare is very strict about kids being vaccinated. If they haven’t been vaccinated they aren’t allowed in at all until they are. One day, one of the mothers was arguing with the teacher that her precious little angel had looked online and read up

Thank you