Mouthface got Kinja'd

This week I’ve had two trips to Bristol, which is super busy compared to my small town. Although I live fairly close by, I’ve never been before, only passed through on a train. Knowing I don’t like crowded places, or new places, or new and crowded places, I was preparing myself for a full blown panic attack and

I will tell him to watch it, and see if Netflix actually works in my area to watch as well, thank you

Does she talk about her chronic illness much? My friend has fibromyalgia, same as her, and when he found out she has it he got really excited because he didn’t feel so alone in his diagnosis.

Hugs to you

My family and I have a general rule. If something happens or is going to happen that most people would hear about (my brother does a lot of charity work), it can go on social media. If its general ‘mouthface hasn’t tidied up,’ ‘mums ill’, that shit stays off fb and the like because the only people who then know about

Edit- I forgot to add, the cats are now the most spoiled creatures to ever walk this earth

My friend has a similar story to your friends. A few years ago, he wanted a cat from his local shelter. He went with his mum, and the lady told him not to pick his cat straight away, just walk round and see them all. He ended up with two boy kittens, and a slightly older girl kitten. As he was filling out paperwork,

My friend had twins in December. Tail end of January, she found out she was having triplets, and had them prem in June. She didn’t think she could have kids, adopted three girls, her first husband left her, she started seeing one of her friends, and ended up pregnant with the twins, got married and got pregnant right

Everyone knows why you’re in there, they’re in there for the same reason, get it over and done with and stop wasting your and their time.

I think a Bento box is like this, while Lunchables are ingredients that go together, so you can mix and match what you want. It’s also entirely possible that I’ve dreamed all this up.

Pretty much :(

That was most girls I was at college with.

Hugs to her, his daughter, and you, from this internet stranger.

Adorable! What did you call him?

It did look really bad

I might try again like that, thank you.

I might try again like that, thank you.

How do you use it? Do you just use it on your cheeks, or do you put yours around your eyebrows, in a C shape, down to your cheeks?

I usually think that, but the makeup lady had contour makeup and highlighter on, and looked really pretty, so I thought I’d try it as well. At least the eyeshadow is a colour I’ll wear on my eyes. 

I know. The makeup lady had contour makeup and highlighter and looked really pretty and told me it was easy to do, and only took her ten minutes. I asked thinking it’d be easy, and it really wasn’t :(