Mouthface got Kinja'd

I’m sorry for your loss and hope you and your wife are doing okay now.

My friend swears by putting any and all green veg in her pesto, because it’s an easier way to get her son to eat extra veg.

My friends’ husband had it done. He said the pain didn’t bother him till he got home, sat down and their toddler jumped on his lap and straight on his crotch. He was seeing stars for a while then. 

Your son sounds adorable!

Thank you!

Thank you!

This wasn’t enlarged at all. The tattooist had already seen my ID as I was twenty at the time, and she said either I’d gone to a dodgy place or my ID was very wrong because it looked like it had aged forty-fifty years in a year. As the outline was sort of there, she just retraced it, and redone it for me as part of

Or when you’re curled up in bed, watching trashy tv, and wondering what you’re doing with your life.

Congratulations to your husband! It’s such a freeing feeling, knowing you can get up and go out without needing to make alterations to be near a hospital, or not worrying in case you leave your phone at home and need an ambulance.

I had a dodgy tattoo done, that after a year looked old and faded, like you see on older people. When I got the next bit of my tattoo done at a different studio, the lady there just refreshed it, and it’s been like new since. I’ve had it six years retouched and it just looks the same as the rest of my tattoo.

My brag is I’m now just over two years seizure free. A few years ago, when I was having between fifty-two hundred seizures a day, I never dreamed I’d get this far. I’m so ridiculously proud of myself right now. 

Thank uyo to everyone who responded to my comment about Mexican food. Unfortunately my friends had car troubles and couldn’t make it, but we’ve rearranged for next week instead.

Hey sorry this is off topic, can anyone recommend Mexican food that is easy to prepare, doesn’t require tons of standing, and can easily be made vegetarian? I’ve got friends coming around tomorrow, and I’m going food shopping in the morning to get last minute bits and pieces and I have no idea what to get. Can anyone

The worst I ever saw was Easter, Halloween, and Christmas decorations along with banners saying Happy New Year 2014 last September. 

My friends’ brother did this when his first girlfriend was pregnant. They’d only been together about a month when she got pregnant, they argued all the time and he left when the twins were a couple of months old. Once they had their own space to realise they were fantastic friends and coparents, just rubbish

Is there a local friend, or neighbour who can take them? My friend’s gramp has five cats now, after his neighbour died and the neighbour’s son couldn’t take them on. 

Not SNS, but I found this, is this what you meant?

Woo go Catalina! Sending good thoughts and vibes yours and Catalina’s way.