Mouthface got Kinja'd

Hi Jezzies, how are you all tonight? London Jezzies are you all okay?

How have you been pronouncing it?

I agree with you, however my reasoning at first was I don’t like Levine, then I saw the picture and objected to Darren Criss’ photo in the same category as Levine and Behati.

Have you seen his Starkid stuff?

And hopefully she serves milkshakes there

Same. Her music isn’t my taste, but her public persona has made me a fan. Also I can’t imagine going through a bomb exploding at my concert, then willingly going back to perform in the same place as the attack.

Hope you’re doing okay, and next week is a lot better for you :)

Mine was the same, so girls got pregnant at like thirteen so they didn’t have to do sports. Most of them dropped out after giving birth and the three that didn’t got kicked out because *actual quote after they gave birth* they couldn’t be trusted not to go into labour in class. The teacher was a woman, and yes, she

If you like ABBA, definitely, if you just wanna chill with a movie musical on in the background to sing along with the songs it’s worth a shot. I bought it for my mum when it came out because she likes ABBA and cheesy music. She loved it. I watched it with her a couple of times, I’m not an ABBA fan, and I thought it

Hi Jezzies, how’s everyone?

I haven’t, but I have bought new foundation this week. It’s Amber Ward powder foundation with spf. As three different lots of my meds say I have to be very careful in the sun, I bought it last summer and found it worked really well, and as it’s warming up again I bought a new lot. I don’t use it in the winter because

The super muscly bloke I saw today, who is closer to seven foot than six, and built like a brick shithouse marching into the White House, telling him to sling his hook, then when they finally get to the door, locking him out and telling him to go cry to Putin. Muscle guy then turns to Hillary and Michelle Obama and

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday!

Well done! That’s fantastic!

I was the same except I stopped growing at 13, and in about six months went from being the tallest in the class to the shortest, but didn’t lose any puppy fat so I was really awkwardly shaped for a while. Even now, almost 13 years later, whenever I put on weight I remember the shaming and bullying that went on.

Holy shit! She said that to a TEN year old?! I could see ‘I’ll find a better fit/different size so you’ll be more comfortable’ if the dress was either waayy too big or too tight for her. Way to go about giving her body issues though asshole lady.

Boil the water just  before you freeze it! I do this every time clear ice cubes are required.

Doctors and nurses are freakin miracle workers nowadays. I can’t promise he’s gonna be better straight away, but my friends nephew had something like that, and he had surgery to sort it and was like a different kid when he recovered. He could suddenly run around like a nutter with his siblings, jump on the trampoline,