Mouthface got Kinja'd

I hope you’re doing okay and you feel better soon :)

My cousin used to when he was little. He had speech issues, so breakfast was either brecky, becky or fuckfuss. I havent seen him in about twelve years now, so I don’t know if he got his speech sorted.

People who are just starting/changing birth control when they get pregnant? I’ve known a couple of people do that and not find out they’re pregnant until it’s too late to do anything. One was my friend, and she was 25 weeks with her first daughter when she found out she was pregnant, she was changing from the pill to

Ah, I get what you’re saying now. I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I think it’s a legal thing as well, Jez and other publications can’t legally say she was raped, as by the legal definition she wasn’t. So the distinction there would be needed so there was no misunderstanding. I hope you’re doing okay today :)

Rape is Rape. Sexual assault could be masturbating at someone (easier if you’re male), grabbing someone’s genitals, rubbing your genitals on someone. This is oversimplified, but, sex without consent is rape. Anything that is similar, but without rape, is sexual assault. I couldn’t get the link to load to know what

I usually only get my hair cutonce every three years or so, then I donate it to be made into a wig, but I’m definitely going back to her

Well done you! What bikini did you get?

I didn’t freak out in the hairdressers! Normally I hate people anywhere near my head, but the hairdresser lady was really good about not freaking me out and even managed to cut my bangs without touching my face, which nobody else has managed to do!

I got my hair cut short on Thursday! It was the first anniversary of my sisters’ death from cancer. She had never had her hair cut in her life, and hated the chemo made it fall out, so I decided the first anniversary of her death I would get my hair cut to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair either

Yes!! Also when people bring up ships of real people to the same people! I get thinking to yourself, or maybe telling a friend so-and-so would make a cute couple but why go further than that? I’m in the Starkid fandom and it’s unreal how many people are like that, I go on tumblr and there are people shipping Joe

It’s also a catholic saint’s name.

My BIL died last night. I sent him a private message on facebook asking how he was, he told me he wasn’t having a good day and his neighbour had called either the hospital or ambulance; he wasn’t sure which. We chatted for a while, then he said had to go because a nurse was at the door. His neighbour let the nurse in

My BIL’s dying. He was hospitalised over a month ago with serious mental health issues, and a nurse noticed he was having issues going to toilet, so ordered some different tests on him. He has cancer that has spread from his penis to his testicles. bladder, prostate, bowel, and up through his digestive system. The

H&M! I haven’t seen them online, but they were in the shop today!

Oooh pretty! I love the blue ones :)

He’s seven, and we’re not sure if it’s because there’s a cat outside or he’s hungry. I just give him some biscuits and a drink a tell him he’s not going out till it’s light out. He uses his litter tray if he needs the toilet.

Hi Jezzies, how’s everyone? Hope you’re all doing okay

I had it when it was called Implanon and hated it. I put on so much weight, I went from UK size 10-12 to size 22 in a month. My periods were awful, heavy, clotty and really painful. I had periods lasting seven months and in so much pain I couldn’t move. Eventually I got a doctor to listen to me and refer me to clinic

My friend adopted three biracial girls. They’re all sisters and the oldest two are twins. Cait had a phone call from the twins daycare teacher yesterday about her daughter’s behaviour the day before. One of the know-it-all mothers looked at R, Cait’s daughter and sneered ‘Your mother must have left you outside all day

Was there anything major going on in the boyfriends home life? I only ask because a friend had her now-wife start living with her when they were both 15. It turned out her wife was being abused by her dad, and because she was actually looked after with my friend’s family, she moved in with them. Ten years, one