
Of interest: The porn industry is quicker to drop someone over allegations of rape than the NFL or NCAA.

Were a lawyer truly convinced that he could plead innocence and not perjure himself, those tweets would read: I did not rape Stoya.

I was truly open to hearing that which he had to say. My inclination was belief in Stoya but, in the case that the accusations were not true, I wanted to have an open mind.

with absolutely no corroborating evidence.

I hate when men describe themselves as feminists. You can say you support feminism. But don’t say you’re an actual feminist. More often than not it’s bullshit. Like in this douche’s case. I can’t get over the fact that his porn was described as “feminist porn for the thinking woman.” L O L. I admit I did like a couple

Can people stop calling (white) men feminist because they said some nice things about women now? Or are y’all looking for the next great white guy to prop up as a savior to women?

Way to fling this at Black Lives Matter.

Right? Can someone go grab her by the shoulders and just shout, “DO YOU HEAR WHAT YOU’RE SAYING?”

He’s right. This act of terrorism was committed especially for them. On their behalf.

“Especially for those (of) us in the pro-life movement”

It also seems to assume that sex is transactional for women. We don’t get what we want? No sex for you. Women have a right to enjoy sex for what it is - fun. This promotes the idea that women should be expected to use their bodies as incentive or disincentive for behaving like a decent human being. On the flipside it

Poor Spike. He’s thinking like a typical guy, believing that the ONE THING that will motivate other guys is going without sex. I’m not sure rapists will respect the embargo, however.

Dude’s Twitter bio says “I bang chicks for a living.” Who believed he was a feminist??

When she weeps and begs Marianne (Kate Winslet) not to die and leave her ... That's some acting. It's also beautifully shot from above. I love Ang Lee.

And then there’s the end of Sense and Sensibility. She’s a master weeper, and manages to never make it seem exploitative...

I’m with you. I truly believe that Thompson’s scene in the bedroom is among the great pieces of acting ever put on film. Total heartbreak, immediate and devastating, survived.

Um, I’m okay with MRAs narrowing their chances of marrying/fucking any women at all. This sounds like risk reduction.