
it's funny how people are bitching about her playing a college student (as if that term only applies to 18-21 year olds and not a far broader demographic and as if it's rare in hollywood to use 30 something as college age characters) yet the main guy in The Night Of is in his mid 30's convincingly playing a 22 year

you're never to old to be in college,you don't just graduate at 21 and then your life is perfect, people go back to pursue other directions or further their education, it's amazing that people don't seem to understand that college isn't even close to being just for those in their early 20's

college classes are filled with 30/40 year olds and even older trying to get further education, it's not just straight out of school kids partying and drinking and occasionally going to class the graduating and never pursuing any further education beyond that, you think there are 21 year olds in masters classes or

whatever kiddo

i do care, just not about your narrative of what sexism is

boo hoo

they really look like they could be almost the same age in that main picture, really weird considering she was obviously a very young child in the show

you're giving me a headache

after seeing the blatantly pervy reactions from women on twitter to Orlando Blooms dick yesterday i'm officially done with hearing anyone talking about sexism

fuck it dude, lets go bowling

guess clint is reaching that age where respected famous, elderly, hard working people overstay their welcome on this planet and disgrace themselves and their reputation, guilty of not dying soon enough ( bill burr joke, i know)


likable? since when?

i'd rather have edge than mr phoney, bland, milktoast fallon

such a lazy, boring, safe choice, the guy plays wholesome pandering host every night, do we really need him to bring his bland personality and humor to that show too, ah well

Glad this is happening, not just cause of this but i personally have hated jeep for a while now just for their ugly design and annoying ad campaigns

no more, please, no more

well how else am i supposed to express the lack of shit that i give?

I just can't seem to give a shit anymore about this whining over nothing journalist do in their little opinion pieces to try and give their employed role some sort of purpose, glorified tumblr/reddit/yotube commenters the lot of you,