
Interesting, guess i should have read a little more in-depth

guess i've been missing some of the detail then, is this new information? cause none of the reports i read brfore making these comments have mentioned any of this

didn't read that anywhere

just saying not passing out behind a dumpster helps

thanks sponser

not in my bullshit opinion

alert them all you want, they might have a different opinion

with these insane comments you're making you don't seem to be a credible judge on who is and isn't acting like a fool here

i called him a scumbag way more than i ever called him a perv

and you are pretty much saying what i've already said, the only thing we disagree on is the fact that it doesn't matter that she was that drunk, in my opinion it does

you've concluded everything i have to say is bullshit, so what's the point of even reading anything you type to me?

yeah i'm not arguing with your very accurate point, i just thought i'd mention that about robin williams

i also said he a scumbag piece of shit and plenty of other things about him, but sure, nitpick again, guess you've got a few more comment to look though, keep digging kiddo

are you even trying to make sense?

well i did use the term in this comment, so no need to bitch me out about it

no i can't be bothered cause i spent 2 hours talking about this with people today on this comment section, you can nitpick certain comment all you want but i have made my point clear
i do mention what i think of the rapist in several comments

For the record you mention a bunch of comedians who killed themselves over their depression, but even robin williams closest friends don't believe that was the reason that he killed himself…
he did have depression, but that's not completely likely what did him in in the end

I try to get into his comedy but i just see him as a little know-it-all with musical talent. entertaining show but filled with grating comedic material, i have a bias in wanting to like (or hate) him cause he's in my age range and established, he puts on a clever show, the lighting effect and musical pieces are fine

i have read everything you have typed and have been reasonable in my responses, stop projecting