@Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise: That just made my day ;)
@Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise: That just made my day ;)
It would've been much funnier if some Google-dude wrote it.
Sometimes I think most of the time you guys just stumble your way through the internet and post whatever comes up next. About the gajillonth time something I recently stumbled upon gets posted here on giz...
@Fractal the Meek: I see more and more of that bullcrap. Not especially on Giz - this is actually the first time - but all over the internet.
@CaseyG: highly unlikely.
@Shams is Sun: But it wouldn't be that much fun.
So basically you're sad because the therapods were herbivores... except the T-Rex and the Velociraptor... which would be the saddest, if they were too??
Want. Now.
@wanderingrabbi: like that's gonna happen. And besides none of your business anyway.
@tomsomething: And porn.
Wow. That was boring.
@Bassman22: Actually, just BUILD your own house and make ALL the doors like this :)
This is pure genius. Nuff said.
@webguy16: if you did that [your love's name] would consider it lame. It's been done before in serendipity.
@Tyrunn: well... yes. agreed.
@Tyrunn: Are there good reasons to go on killing sprees?