@RockstarAgent: To brag about it on Gizmodo? ;)
@RockstarAgent: To brag about it on Gizmodo? ;)
Scarry... but we knew that someday this was gonna happen.
@Sirusjr: Here in Switzerland you get in trouble for saying you didn't drink and they can prove you did.
@RockstarAgent: Huge balls doesn't necessarily imply a huge dong... but still, I like your thinking.
@RockstarAgent: huge fleshlights?
@GiltProto: need those to lift that thing...
@tomsomething: absolutely true... but drowning half a bottle of wine isn't classy... no matter what you use to drown it from :)
@songs: It does. It's sarcastic... (in some way, in another way just plain true)
@Mex: 40 lbs sounds about right. Call me...
@Wwhat: well, they did innovate the sex itself... why try hetero if homo-pedo works just as well - without the hassle of raising kids?
Now that's just dandy... especially for people who wanna be able to say "Really, officer, I only had two glasses of wine".
@Jackstick: has nothing to do with WHEN it happened... the x-rays hit now, therefore it's a concern NOW. And never forget time is relative anyway and I actually won't have written this comment before monday.
@Kakkoii: Nah, the trouble is licencing stuff... we can't get hulu outside the U.S. because of the broadcast legal issues... don't go there, please, it hurts enough as it is:)
@Standish: I can't see my own gifs... think that's a bad sign?
well, nothing really new...had that on my iphone for some time now. It's called mail'n'walk or something.
@leozuck: oh captain, my captain.
@Tetsuooooooo: Or working for the Maledive's government...
@Daft Robot: Thanks to all you folks... you guys are better than wikipedia (I know you basically ARE it, but still, thanks).
@rxe7en: 1000? Just a guess, though.
@hemo_jr: Wiseass. But don't get me wrong here, you're right .