How We Made <i>Top Gear</i>

There we go then. The sun has set on what I imagine we will one day call Old New Top Gear. Now we sit patiently with

License plate accent:

[Some say winters go faster in certain parts of Sweden. But can one actually bend time with a Koenigsegg Regera? Photo credit: Koenigsegg]

Hopefully we’ll be spared another XUV500. That thing makes my eyes bleed every time I go back to visit.

Father, forgive Fiat. They know not what they do.

A Stormtrooper car must be the safest car on the road. It’ll never hit anything.


I once had that worry when my kids were looking at a vintage Silver Spur at a Concours d’Elegance featuring Rolls Royce & Bentley. “Look, but don’t touch, keep your hands to yourself,” I told them, and then the owner who was standing by said “Hey kids, you can get in if you want, it’s just a car.”

1. Sean’s life is dope and he does dope shit.

who’s the cute little race truck, you are, yes you are good boy.

Lincoln had to change the grille, the “Save the Whales” folks kept throwing themselves in front of it

Now playing

I’m very curious to see this folding hard-top in action. This description only hints at the complex origami-ing that has to be going on:


50th anniversary of the E-Type. When those Spitfires and Hurricanes fly by a field full of E-Types, my eyes get a little sting-y. Every time.

When they introduced James May. I liked him more than the other presenter.

I’d heard great things about the show but never had an opportunity to watch it until I signed up for Netflix. At the time, all of the seasons (except for the first one) were available, and I started right from the top. I was hooked when I watched James May’s film about his Bentley. I found it so charming that he would

Toyota Hilux destruction edition.

Easy question.