
'hunkered down in some shrubbery...'

10. These Five Animals Are In Your Car Right Now

Ok, I was trying to find one but I found this instead. It's too good to not share.

Yes, I did have a hand in it. I was the Planning Director on the Holden account at McCann Erickson Melbourne at the time. The brief was fairly simple: it's seen as a girl's car, but we would like boys to think it's OK for them to drive as well. Hence the storyline, based on the lyrics of the song. Its her car,

Copywriter: Ted Horton

GOOD GRAVY! And the downshifts at oak tree. Gahhhh. Why am I not allowed to do this again? Oh, right, money.

Adrian Newey resents your egghead comment.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Mazda!

I prefer this E-Type:

Aww, what's he so worried about?

Sounds about right. i10 just doesn't sound quite right unfortunately. I guess i9 it must be.

wide angle also makes it look bigger.... she said.