
Zack Hample Curse!!!

If you have a decent credit card, the $100 fee is covered for 0 reasons to not get it

I disagree with the sentiment that anyone who disagrees with you is a troll. I think it is a rational idea that if you can’t afford something, you don’t undertake the responsibilities of it.

No clue- we should not do that either

Solid use of the word doofus. I disagree with your sentiment though. Poverty and famine are exacerbated by population growth, as we have seen in places like sub-Saharan Africa. So while I would agree having children is important (to some) and rewarding (to most), I find it selfish to consider it a “right.”

I don’t attempt to restrict access to anything

If you can’t afford to have children...why do you expect help for them?

Homicide is not a criminal term in the way you are thinking. Just means death was caused by a human. Justification (or lack thereof) is how the law considers legal responsibility

You say their system is better than the electoral college...even though it is the SAME. Electoral votes are based on House seats....House of Commons elects the PM.

The kid targeting her (for her religion/ appearance) and calling her a terrorist is terrorizing her....

The latter. Source: I am from CT and we know we are better than you.

first of all its called Lex

Ok so this part is actually true...

lol well I am glad you know your own thoughts. However, you should work on your communication skills so that others can understand you

No you most certainly were not. “Extreme starting point, then go from there.”

His approach is transparent at this point?

This is actually a very timely article considering the WSJ published something this morning stating how one’s political views is impacting purchasing decisions and relationships more than ever.

Miata is always the answer

No, no no no no. They tried to put the cake in the overhead bin section that stores emergency/ demo equipment and then insinuated the flight attendant was drunk. I would have kicked them off too